This college student was the person who bought the homeless man dinner. What a good kid.

I've never been much of a blogger. I guess that's because I've always found it too inconvenient to sit down at the computer and type my thoughts for the day.
Args is a blogging champ and has been doing so almost all year (check out her blog at recently though, i discovered that you could post to a blog from your cell phone - now this
I'm all for. so here is my first blog post from my cell phone. excuse any spelling and grammar errors for obvious reasons. skipping to a different thought, i just encountered one of those moments when you realize how blessed you are. as i was walking down from work i saw a homeless man raiding a dumpster for unused slices of pizza from the pie. as i stood here typing this outside the seven eleven a college kid offered to buy him something inside the seven eleven (after turning down the plea for some spare change) i suppose i should have been quicker to pony up rather than write about the situation.
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