I wanted to make some brief commentary on election 2008. As a Utahn and a Mormon, I find myself in an interesting predicament with Mitt Romney in the presidential race. I'm troubled, not because i feel an obligation to vote for him, but an obligation to vote against him. I'll explain. I worry that if Mitt were the party nominee Utah would probably overwhelmingly vote for him. When compared to the national results I would be concerned that this would reinforce that perception that Mormons vote with their religion. People who are familiar with the 138th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, know this isn't true. So, I feel a bit of an obligation to support the opposing candidate, as long as it's not Hillary. Truthfully, I recently joined the Obama camp. While he's not the perfect candidate I tend to like his views (and theme song 'Better Way' by Ben Harper). I don't side with all of his
social positions. So who are you going to vote for? Need help? I recommend Glassbooth.org.
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1 comment:
Josh -
Interesting post. After watching the Dem debate last night, I am starting to feel partial to Obama myself, well, at least when compared to Hillary. I appreciate his views on Immigration and job sustainability for the working class compared to illegal immigrants taking U.S. jobs.
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