I am a vivid dreamer. Just ask My wife, she's awaken me from full sprints in my bed, yelling, sweating, and tears. But despite it's many inconveniences, I've grateful I can experience things in my dreams that in the moment seem like reality. The gift (or curse) has allowed me to experience the emotions of circumstances in life that I probably will never experience. It's allowed me to visit far off places, lose one's that I've loved, and experience the emotions that may come as consequences of sin (sin I hope I never commit). Just in case you've ever wondered what it is like to get struck by lightening, I did last night in my dreams - twice. I woke up electrified, and sure enough, my hair was matted and standing up in places. During the dream, and after the shock, I remember feeling as though I would die. At that moment I remember pleading that I could stay alive - I couldn't imagine my
children growing up without a father. So see, one of the blessings of vivid dreams - recognizing your blessings.
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